I'm seeing people saying Tracing and Imaging way too much and acting like there's a difference.

  • People haven't played the game or don't try to understand things in context with the rest of the game.
  • Tracing is the process which Shirou goes through to project or reinforce, NOT the final product. A mental image which is either being traced from Unlimited Blade Works and projected as an independent objects or as a reinforcement to an existing object.
  • Because people seem to totally misinterpret what Archer said.
  • Because people seem to totally misinterpret what's up on Moonlit World.
  • Tracing is recreating an object not physically but the whole concept and history of it. Which is why not just the weapon comes back, but all the powers and abilities (experience, skills) associated with the person who had used it. The soul of the weapon for lack of something better to say.
  • The term trace on is used for the activation of Berserker's Nine Lives skill, the so-called "hey, Shirou is using Imaging!" scene.
  • Projection and reinforcement are just extensions of UBW. Tracing refers to the transference of concepts from UBW to the outside physical world.
  • Shirou has always been using what everybody calls "imaging" or "imagination". Because that's exactly what tracing does. Tracing an imagination (a Reality Marble - yes, a Reality Marble - UBW isn't about imagination and images - all Reality Marbles run on that) unto the real world. It'd be much more accurate to say that Shirou's true power is his Reality Marble and that projection and reinforcement of weapons are applications of that.
  • The strength of the mental image determines how stable the projected item could last outside of UBW and its structural strength. This is exactly what Archer meant. But what's still being done is "tracing". In fact, it's still "trace on", even with Archer's incantations.
  • No matter what, only weapons that Archer and Shirou have seen directly and been recorded in UBW can be projected. Nothing else can be taken out.
  • The Japanese chants for both reinforcement and projection start with trace on (which is what is being said aloud as the yomigana) with the mental note that it's either going to be for reinforcement or projection (in kanji). Whenever touei is used by itself, it shouldn't be called tracing.
  • Touei is translated as Imaging by Eclippse apparently. Which isn't really wrong, but it's only leading to a major misunderstanding by some people about what Shirou's true ability is when combined with other translations.