RoyalKnight: Err
arai: how much do you know about cats in boxes?
RoyalKnight: As much as I read about them on Fuyuki and Wikipedia.
arai: mm ok
arai: i kind of came up with an idea but nm
RoyalKnight: ;__;
RoyalKnight: I'd still be interested in hearing about it. ;__;
arai: well hm
arai: you know in japan
arai: how there's a lot of religious stuff that normal people aren't allowed to see
arai: i was thinking
arai: isn't that of like the cat in the box concept?
arai: the more we don't really know about something, the more possibilities/power there is inside the box?
RoyalKnight: Yeah... something like that.
RoyalKnight: I sorta' think that's what the Mage Association, and to some extent, the Church was doing. Basically, hiding a lot of stuff from normal society to consolidate and protect the power of "possibility."
RoyalKnight: Otherwise, normal society would just rationally pick them apart and that'd be the end of it.
arai: that seems to be it
arai: kind of wondering if there's a little more to the grand scheme of things about science though
arai: is it storing anything at all?
RoyalKnight: Science basically allowed humanity to survive after Gaia died in Overcount 1999...
arai: right
RoyalKnight: I had been thinking that mankind was sorta' creating another "cat in the box" called science.
arai: i was kind of going around a different idea originally
RoyalKnight: Though... I'm not sure where to go from there.
arai: i mean all the mystical systems like kabbalah and alchemy are really just points of definition and measurements to describe the world
arai: so you can sort of put them together with modern science
arai: hmm, but, if i put it with the cat in the box idea, it doesn't really work
arai: it'd have to be a totally different box. or a cat.
RoyalKnight: Modern weapons can't hurt Servants, which are a sort of materialized cat in the box.
RoyalKnight: Yet, ether can't do anything to bring about a result without some sort of... laws... or something... gyahh...
arai: yeah sort of. but people will eventually come up with something that could once they dig down deeper into quantum mechanics........?
arai: or not
RoyalKnight: Well, currently, I'm seeing science as something that strives for an absolute "this happens" or "this doesn't happen," and if they're unsure, they assign a probability.
RoyalKnight: For something like cat in the box, just quantifying it in terms of this plane of reality goes against the whole dual state thing, yet that's the attitude that most modern technology has.
RoyalKnight: Ugh... I forgot where I was going with this.
RoyalKnight: Something to the effect of, they can cover as many bases as they can, but their sorta' like a plane in 3-d space... only getting a cross-section of it.
arai: so, would quantum mechanics not really count as an extension of modern technology then?
arai: the image i'm getting is that modern science is trying to dig even deeper to obtain the big truth of the universe
arai: and part of that lead to the cat and the box
arai: magic is going for the macroscopic end
arai: but it still started off as predictions/measurements based on observations
RoyalKnight: Ohhhh
arai: like say whatever additional dimensions and planes we may get from quantum mechanics
arai: are also similar to buddhist pure lands
arai: regions of heaven according to old kabbalah stuff
arai: etc
arai: ...not saying, but thinking about as a big maybe, or a big hmmmmmmmmm?
arai: i mean
arai: you know how they give one sword many different names over the ages
arai: like say the mana sword being called dragon buster, excalibur, etc.
RoyalKnight: yeah
RoyalKnight: OHHH
RoyalKnight: Hmm...
arai: the name or outlying concept, explanation or appearance might be different, but in the end they're pointing at the
same............thing? is kind of the impression i've been getting after reading a bunch of japanese light novels
RoyalKnight: Hamster wheel.
RoyalKnight: The wheel eventually goes full circle and they reaching the same place or running past it and right into each other.
RoyalKnight: Or... something.
arai: ...or something.
arai: like. uh. how the demons of the slayers world turn into demonic spaceships in lost universe - same thing, different appearance; or same role, different manifestation
arai: maybe i'm just going crazy
note: speaking of which, the lost ships themselves don't have any directly relation to the slayers demons
RoyalKnight: Oh wow...
RoyalKnight hasn't watched much Slayers and any of Lost Universe.
RoyalKnight: Err... skimming through Wikipedia about it.
RoyalKnight: OSHI, head is asploding.
arai: eh what, what?
RoyalKnight: The weight of that statement is finally hitting me.
arai: which one?
RoyalKnight: Observer/Substance/Science vs. Possibilities/Nothing/Magic
arai: hm
RoyalKnight: Materialized nothing, demons, alchemists, Angra Mainyu... I'm sorta' now rethinking everything again.
arai: well i wouldn't put possibilities entirely on the side of magic and nothing but hm
arai: i might have to rethink this again
arai: imaginary numbers though
RoyalKnight: ?
arai: basically
arai: there's a lot of stuff in science that deals with possibility itself
arai: or the seemingly only theoretical, but actually existing whachamacallit
RoyalKnight: Yeah, like how imaginary numbers are used, I think, by engineers in terms of some sort of current or something electical.
RoyalKnight: Actually, I think my head imploded.

arai: i think i wanted to ask for ssssz's opinion on cat(s) in a box
sssssz: Cat in a box = Not very delicious.
RoyalKnight: AHAHA
arai: snakes in a box
arai: manah in a box
RoyalKnight: <_<
Eppy: something about the aliveness of cat(s) in a particular box?
RoyalKnight: I wonder if it's possible to jump inside of the box with the cat.
arai: they say if you open the box, all the world's evils will pop up
arai: and the only thing remaining side of it is the cat of hope
RoyalKnight: Which may or may not exist.
arai: the legendary 6th cat
Eppy: the cat of hope must be pretty slow then
RoyalKnight: TYPE-Cat.
Constanze: Nya nya nya, SHAAAAA!
RoyalKnight: So, Nekoarc is the cat in the box?
arai: nekoarc is the box
Eppy: nekoarc will box you
arai: there's multiple cats inside nekoarc
arai: 666 of them
RoyalKnight: !!!
RoyalKnight: "Ideyo, waga kenzoku-tachi!"
magikarp9: lol
magikarp9: neco arc
arai: anyway
arai: i was sort of wondering about why they're hiding all this neat stuff in japanese religion
arai: like
arai: you're not allowed to see thie statue of the buddha or whatever
arai: and i figured, hey
arai: the buddha statues and other mystical stuff are like the cat in the box
arai: and i forgot where i went this, but i tossed around some ideas to RK
RoyalKnight: Observation constricts possibilities?
arai: right, that's it.
arai: and nasu magic's all about boxes with sets of possibilities
Eppy: and marbles
magikarp9: magic?
Eppy: if you see the cat in the box, you'll be dismembered next watanagashi
RoyalKnight: AHAHA
arai: in order to see the cat, you have to get inside the box
arai: and then you get stuck
Constanze has quit IRC (Quit: GM: This used to be a really bad area of the Barrens, until the new priest moved in. Lenny: What? Did he turn everyone catholic? GM: No... Word got out th)
Hidelu: lovely video, magi
RoyalKnight: Then you're stuck inside a box with a cat.
RoyalKnight: And then...
RoyalKnight: ...things happen.
RoyalKnight: Chemistry happens.
magikarp9: A cat is fine too
magikarp9: where did you think it came from
arai: from cats in pants
Eppy: and by and by you'll defy a little bit of gravity
magikarp9: there was a cat
magikarp9: in the kaledieo ruby box
magikarp9: hmm
magikarp9: neco-yuri raep
RoyalKnight: Eh?
RoyalKnight: I was talking about the gas trap.
arai: did you say trap?
RoyalKnight: Ecchi.
magikarp9: schrodinger
RoyalKnight: GYAHHH
magikarp9: sounds haruhist
Eppy: schroedinger was a trap
arai: so in conclusion.
arai: neco arc is the cat in the box
Angeling: =3
arai: and the root should be renamed the cat of all things
Angeling: LAWL
arai: well i don't really know, but the cat and the box really does have a pretty big role in pseudo sci-fi rationalization of magic
arai: oh shit, it does.
RoyalKnight: If observation constricts possibility, would that mean enough observation -> one possibility -> shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu -> Root of All Things?
Eppy: I know of a cat with a box
Eppy: he had a hat
arai: meitantei RoyalKnight
arai: well there's two major ways to get down to one truth
Eppy: one of them involves shrinking into RK-ko
arai: yes
arai: the other one involves turning RK into G-RK
magikarp9: if RK raped RK-ko
magikarp9: is it masturbation or garping
magikarp9: garp=gar+trap
Eppy: let's hope we don't find out
arai: karp
arai: that's like the sound of one hand clapping
arai: which is another cat in the box
magikarp9: wait
magikarp9: what about all the archerxshirou doujiN!?
Eppy: the cat in the box shaves itself?
arai: if you want it to, it will.
arai: but you aren't allowed to see it.
arai: but yeah; if you become a super observer you get down to one possibility.
arai: but it also works in reverse i think.
arai: if you see nothing, you'll also get down to the same possibility.
Eppy: although I'm not drunk right now
RoyalKnight: Yeah... I was just thinking that, too.
Eppy: I think the total alcohol level in here is enough for 3 or 4 drunkards
Cruzz: archer x shirou is just...
Cruzz: hot
arai: it's like a circle jerk state.
RoyalKnight: Same thing, opposite direction.
magikarp9: erm
magikarp9: Eppy
arai: the alcohol transcends the internet
magikarp9: I think these guys are serious
RoyalKnight: o__O
Eppy: what you say! unpossible
magikarp9: erm
magikarp9: that's a cat in a box you know
magikarp9: you can't observe the seriousness
magikarp9: if you try to its gone
magikarp9: its a impossibility of possibilities
Eppy: and once you try to, it's no fun any more
arai: i am the embodiment of seriousness and unseriousness
Eppy: so the fun is gone
magikarp9: arai: i am the embodiment of seriousness and unseriousness <- DUDE STOP GIVING YOURSELF TITLES
magikarp9: people are bestowed titles
arai: i'm also half-naked.
arai blushes
magikarp9: ooo
magikarp9: tities
magikarp9 salivates
arai: no, other way around
RoyalKnight blushes, too.
magikarp9: MANTITZ
RoyalKnight: Which half?
RoyalKnight: Ahhh hahaha
magikarp9: oh
magikarp9: OH NOEZ
magikarp9: T_T
Cruzz: magikarp9: but who gives titles to the the title givers?
Eppy: the cat
magikarp9: Yes
magikarp9 is now known as cat
cat is now known as magikarp9
arai: no, the box does.
magikarp9: i saw a cat just now
magikarp9: but
RoyalKnight: Well, Super Observer (Science) -> Substance side of Kongen, Super Non-Observer (Magic) -> Nothing side of Kongen?
magikarp9: the cat is the embodiment of the box!
magikarp9: RK - is the japanese part of the discussion serious
Eppy: if a cat is inside it, it must be a box
RoyalKnight: Err... Kongen = Root / Akasha.
Eppy: magikarp9: the cat is the embodiment of the box! <- so a box is fine, too?
magikarp9: yes
arai: but
arai: there are no holes in the box
arai: on the outside
Eppy: i need a refill to think this through
Hidelu has quit IRC (Client Quit)
RoyalKnight: Hidelu has several cats.
RoyalKnight: Perhaps she went to experiment?
Eppy: on which part?
RoyalKnight: Maybe the "Cat in the Box is fine too" part. >_>